When was the last time you felt totally accepted
Acceptance counseling is the "start again" button because it drops old expectations of how things should be and thus allows our energies to be available "fresh," for this moment.
For example, I am on my way to a friend's party but become lost. I call him for directions. The first thing my friend asks is, "Where are you?" This is vital information for him in order to give me the help I need. Same with GPS or Mapquest, you must enter your current location and then the desired location. Only then can a route be selected.

Support ...
in self-healing & growth through acceptance
The first step to healing is acceptance. The first step to getting to the party is acceptance that I'm lost and need help. The unconditional acceptance we give our friends, or children, and hopefully ourselves, is what makes it safe to learn through our mistakes. Judgement leaves us traumatized and defensive and the learning is slowed and hindered.

Russell Strelnick, MSW, LCSW